December 30, 2012

Scramble // Little Children

It's Sunday morning, 9:45 AM. 

I hear my dad announce that he and my mom are ready for church. I spring up out of my bed hoping it's a dream, but it's not! I have less than 15 minutes to get ready, oh boy oh boy. After the brief scramble to get changed and fix my hair, I make my way downstairs. Upon reaching the kitchen mom gently reminds me that I'm teaching the kids this morning; freeze pane. Teaching the kids, aw crap, I had totally forgotten, and she reminded me earlier in the week too, twice. And so another scramble begins.

 Arriving at church I hurry upstairs debating on whether or not to keep my day job and give up on the kids.... But as I type this, I remember the time where they gave up on me when I was younger, and how that kind of broke my heart. So I can't give up on these kids, I can't be selfish like that. 

Ironically, the lesson for today is about when Jesus encouraged the disciples to let the little children come to Him (Mark 10:13-16). Sadly I'm very much like the disciples right now. So as I take a break from typing this I shall teach the children about Jesus' love for them. 

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