December 27, 2012

New iPad

Day 1

First full day complete... This is fantastic, I really love this thing! It's super neat, so many things to do, so many games to play... Speaking of games I'm addicted to one called Mega Run, there's a little dinosaur thing and you have to make him jump over other Dino's and get the coins and gems... I think it's quite fun, at least for now. 

Typing this out is much easier than writing my thoughts in a journal, although tangible things can be nostalgic er sentimental...

Anyway, I want to dedicate my iPad to my Heavenly Father, and I think this is the appropriate spot to do so. I bought this iPad for a few reasons, but the first and possibly most important one is that I will be using this iPad for the remainder of my university career for classes and group work and so on. 

Dear God, I thank you so much for allowing me to even own one of these incredible devices, and for providing me with the financial comfort to purchase it. I pray that as the blessed user I will be responsible in using my iPad in a way that is pleasing to You and to effectively assist me in completing my school work. Give me the faith and courage to press on through the remaining year and a half, may I be your light, love, joy and peace wherever I go and to whomever I encounter. You're so faithful and mighty, Your name be praised! In Jesus' name, amen. 

And gooooooooood night (:
Amanda on December 27, 2012 at 12:36am

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