December 28, 2012

Hold Your Anger

Day 3

It's amazing how the littlest things can get on my nerves, things that don't or eventually won't even matter... But honestly, when I don't meditate on what's caused me to be upset, the anger just fades, and when I think about it again it all seemed sort of pointless. Thankfully I didn't do anything stupid while I was angry that I might regret now...  

 I thank God that His anger only lasts a moment and He remembers we are but dust... Nobody's perfect except God, so I really shouldn't be expecting anyone to fit the role of perfection except God. 

Lord, God, forgive me for my failures, thank you for making me whole though your Son! Continue to mould me and shape me into who You want me to be, I trust You. 

Amanda on December 28, 2012 at 1:45pm & 7:22pm

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