December 30, 2012

Scramble // Little Children

It's Sunday morning, 9:45 AM. 

I hear my dad announce that he and my mom are ready for church. I spring up out of my bed hoping it's a dream, but it's not! I have less than 15 minutes to get ready, oh boy oh boy. After the brief scramble to get changed and fix my hair, I make my way downstairs. Upon reaching the kitchen mom gently reminds me that I'm teaching the kids this morning; freeze pane. Teaching the kids, aw crap, I had totally forgotten, and she reminded me earlier in the week too, twice. And so another scramble begins.

 Arriving at church I hurry upstairs debating on whether or not to keep my day job and give up on the kids.... But as I type this, I remember the time where they gave up on me when I was younger, and how that kind of broke my heart. So I can't give up on these kids, I can't be selfish like that. 

Ironically, the lesson for today is about when Jesus encouraged the disciples to let the little children come to Him (Mark 10:13-16). Sadly I'm very much like the disciples right now. So as I take a break from typing this I shall teach the children about Jesus' love for them. 

December 29, 2012

The Year of the Lord's Favour

Day 4 

Today was.... I don't really know. Neither good nor bad, it wasn't too stressful or really all that fun.  

I just finished reading Isaiah 61; it's entitled the year of the Lord's favour. All of it is really special, it provides us with the reminder that God is righteous, and magnificent. It also encourages those who believe in God that He has a great love for us and wants to bless us and see us progress and prosper for His glory. 

My prayer is that this passage of scripture be taken seriously for me and my church in 2013. God has equipped us to do amazing things in His name, Jesus even tells us so! The year of The Lord's favour; let it be so!

As I type this my family is in the other room singing praises to God, dad on the accordion, mom and Nonna singing. We're so blessed to have the freedom to worship Christ wherever we are in Canada. I think I should go join in, after all, I wouldn't want to rob God of what He rightfully deserves.  

Let everything that has breath, praise The Lord! (Psalm 150:6)
Amanda on December 29, 2012 at 9:23pm

December 28, 2012

Hold Your Anger

Day 3

It's amazing how the littlest things can get on my nerves, things that don't or eventually won't even matter... But honestly, when I don't meditate on what's caused me to be upset, the anger just fades, and when I think about it again it all seemed sort of pointless. Thankfully I didn't do anything stupid while I was angry that I might regret now...  

 I thank God that His anger only lasts a moment and He remembers we are but dust... Nobody's perfect except God, so I really shouldn't be expecting anyone to fit the role of perfection except God. 

Lord, God, forgive me for my failures, thank you for making me whole though your Son! Continue to mould me and shape me into who You want me to be, I trust You. 

Amanda on December 28, 2012 at 1:45pm & 7:22pm

December 27, 2012

Already Given

Day 2 

Oh my goodness... So I worked produce today from 8 to 4... So much heavy lifting my back is hurting so bad, especially my tail bone! Well anyway, I ending up taking a two hour nap or so - much needed, and I feel better now (: 

I downloaded the YouVersion bible app today and read John 1:1-18 to my mom and dad. It's a good reminder that us humans need a Saviour, that we aren't kinds of the world (the creator created it all, we have just used what He's created!), and that God is extremely gracious. Extremely seems so small compared to how gracious God really is.  

In verse 16, it says: Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given.  

While I was reading it, I honestly paused to taken in what I had just said out loud.... 'Grace in place of grace already given'. Wow.  

In 1 John 4:19 it says that we love because He first loved us... and through faith it is by grace we have been saved (Ephesians 2:9). My understanding is that God, in His unfailing and divine love, has allowed us to receive His grace through our faith in Christ Jesus. And then has graciously given us even more grace. The fact that I'm alive and that I know God has amazing plans for me (Jeremiah 29:11) is because of His grace. I have nothing to fear, God will see me though every good time and every bad (Joshua 1:9), He is with me wherever I am. I can do anything I need to do through Christ who strengthens me. 

I should get some sleep now, thanks for reading.
Amanda on December 27, 2012 at 11:50pm

New iPad

Day 1

First full day complete... This is fantastic, I really love this thing! It's super neat, so many things to do, so many games to play... Speaking of games I'm addicted to one called Mega Run, there's a little dinosaur thing and you have to make him jump over other Dino's and get the coins and gems... I think it's quite fun, at least for now. 

Typing this out is much easier than writing my thoughts in a journal, although tangible things can be nostalgic er sentimental...

Anyway, I want to dedicate my iPad to my Heavenly Father, and I think this is the appropriate spot to do so. I bought this iPad for a few reasons, but the first and possibly most important one is that I will be using this iPad for the remainder of my university career for classes and group work and so on. 

Dear God, I thank you so much for allowing me to even own one of these incredible devices, and for providing me with the financial comfort to purchase it. I pray that as the blessed user I will be responsible in using my iPad in a way that is pleasing to You and to effectively assist me in completing my school work. Give me the faith and courage to press on through the remaining year and a half, may I be your light, love, joy and peace wherever I go and to whomever I encounter. You're so faithful and mighty, Your name be praised! In Jesus' name, amen. 

And gooooooooood night (:
Amanda on December 27, 2012 at 12:36am