December 2, 2011

Quality Time

Speaker: Phillip Bixby

Luke 7:36-50
• John 14:5-14

Quantity does not equal quality


• Quality: marked by a concentrated by expenditure of involvement, concern or commitment.
• You can spend a lot of time in God's house but never really spend time with God...


 Worship: [worth] giving worth or attention to
•• The new definition of worship: marked by a concentrated by expenditure of the glorious presence of God.
• If you don't get into God's presence everyday you aren't a true worshiper.... Are you singing or are you worshiping? Are you warming yourself with someone else's fire?

• Your words affects the atmosphere around you.

• Worship is a reality, it's a declaration - not only to your future but to confuse the devil who is out to kill you. You're confessing that God is the One who sits on the throne!

1) When we worship we should expect people to come to the feet of Jesus.

• Psalm 150 - if you have breath you should be praising God.
• If you don't praise Him, the rocks and the trees will.
• At the cross no human was giving Jesus praise, for the purpose that He came to earth for, but the ground shook and the rocks split.
• Salvation happens in the place where worship is.

• Sanctification

• Isaiah 6

• Spirit Baptism

• In the upper room, they were worshiping and EXPECTING.. and then, well you know what happened. 15 minutes later Peter gets up and preaches and then 3000 people were added to them!

• Stop playing church and get in His presence!
• Luke 7
Acts 16:25-28 - they praised Him, and the chain fells off!

•• Give God praise in spite of your current circumstances.
•• You can pray, but you should praise Him even before He gives you an answer.

2) When we worship we should expect miracles to happen.

• Worship is quantum; anything can happen anywhere when we worship.
[• Example: Butterflies in Louisiana]
• The miracle of His presence.

• " Now it was so, when Moses came down from Mount Sinai (and the two tablets of the Testimony were in Moses’ hand when he came down from the mountain), that Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone while he talked with Him." --Exodus 34:29

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