July 25, 2012

I like puzzles!

Confession: I have this crazy obsession with puzzles. I just love them! 

Here are a few pictures of puzzles I've worked on and completed in the last eight months. Enjoy!

This puzzle glows in the dark! 
It also has more than 2 polar bears in it... it actually has 10 in total! 
Can you find them all?

This one, although blurry, is actually considered 3D. The balloons pop out. See to the right, the shell of each balloon was connected by clips, there were number tabs that had to be lined up for the balloon to take proper shape.

750 pieces. 

The Grand Canyon. 500 pieces?

My momma picked this puzzle. It has 550 pieces. 

1000 pieces. Completed in less than 5 days.

To the left and right are Work In Progress pictures.
I did complete this one eventually.
It looked like the picture above.
I love this one!
Light houses are one of my favourites!
750 pieces

Sorry it's slanted.
Toronto skyline at twilight.
750 pieces

More to come... 

July 24, 2012

Descriptive Wallpaper

I stumbled this amazing wallpaper while checking out  this persons blog. So technically... I stole it... but technically... I'm not claiming it to be mine. Just sharing it with whomever stumbles upon this blog.  Feel free to do the same. Click and drag it to a new window to see/read it better.  

The Best Question Ever

Awhile back, maybe two or three years now, my closest friend sent me three pod casts, sermons, by Andy Stanley.  As the title of this entry notes the series is called "The Best Question Ever".  It's honestly amazing, a thought provoking message!  It has encouraged me to re-think my every decision: past, present, and future.  It's challenged me to set standards for myself, to stop living life so close to the edge.  

I encourage you to listen to it, but also to evaluate your own life and the way you've gone about making choices.  Don't take this lightly.  Allow God to change you through this message. 

More about Andy's Ministry: http://northpoint.org

God's richest blessings!

July 7, 2012

walk it out

(July 6th - Fraser's last friday for awhile)

Philippians 3:12-14

If you wanna finish this race, reach the end goal, you're gonna need:

1) His Presence
- He inhabits in the praises of His people
- We need His presence every waking moment of our life, it's equivalent to needing gas in your car to go somewhere
- Exodus 33:15
- Ask Him daily to be with you and guide you through everything

2) To Recognize that God has a Plan for Your Life
- Jeremiah 29:11
- You might not have all the skills you need, but He's given you the ones you need for this moment.
-- Just step out, and serve.
- Philippians 2:13 - when God is with you, nothing can stop you.

3) People
- Relationship is everything.
- Need to find people who are going to be with you, not only in the good times, but when things get back. People who will encourage you, and call you out on your crap.
- (isolation is a sickness - it blinds all wisdom)