June 5, 2013

Quote from "Close Enough To Hear God Breathe" by Greg Paul

Each time I find myself in a new phase of life, I become aware that the period I have just passed out of -the period in which I thought, "This is it! This is what I'm here for!"- was really mostly a preparation for where I am now. By this, I become aware that redemption is at work in me, turning the junk of the past into treasure. This is the power of redemption. It doesn't merely release me from slavery,but sets me on the path to a true home. It not only heals, but gives a previously unknown strength too. The very Locus of suffering becomes a place of glory. 
I wonder, sometimes, should I be aware at the last there I haven't long to live, if I will be delivered into a moment of awesome clarity, the understanding that the whole journey up until now has been for the purpose of bringing me to this moment. In that moment, I will here it; no longer a quiet breath, but a joyful summons, deeming me-

My Beloved.

April 1, 2013

mission accomplished

we are done

successfully accomplished
flawlessly executed
polished off
all wrapped up
carried out to completion


it's over

but we made it

**making it to the end of a successfully executed group project is such a good feeling; but honestly, i'm glad it's over!!

February 10, 2013

Skit Guys Jesus Memo

There is this amazing duo. A duo of amigos that make amazing skits with intense messages. Although I don't know their real names (never really looked into it), they still have a major impact on my spiritual life.

I came across this video the other day; it was a good read, I must say. Hope you enjoy it! 

January 4, 2013

Heavy Rain 2013

Ordinary people giving ordinary praise to an extraordinary God, and He absolutely loves it when we give Him the praise that He so rightly deserves. We love Him because He first loved us; we weren't even looking for a Saviour, but He still showed up and extended His hand in love!

Wonder where God is? He's right here with you.

Notes from the Friday night service on January 4, 2013

Speaker: Anthony Maclean
Deep thoughts: if God was here before the beginning of everything what was He doing? If there is a God, what made God?
There is nothing in the world that is self sustaining (or existing), everything that exists relies on something else. However, there has to be a starting point. There can't be a continuous cycle of this depending on that depending on this and so on. So what came first, mind or matter? Mind. The mind created the matter. 
Genesis 1:26-27
Blog post: Seth Godin. No one is going to pick you. Pick yourself.
Bed rest! Be still, relax, and slow down. In the stillness you will find life, or at least save it. 
If you always see yourself as sick, or in pain, all you will be is sick. Unless you see yourself the way God see you.... Think positive.
Romans 8:5
It's your mind that will make you spiritual or carnal. What are you putting into your think-box?
Walk by faith, not by sight, but we don't drive that way. 
We need to fill our mind will spiritual things rather than carnal things.
We shouldn't turn off our relationship with God when we watch movies; He's with us always.
James 1:13-15 (NIV)
Jesus set us free, we need to renew our mind to live our in the freedom He's given us. Our desires are usually on our minds, and hearts, so if you're envisioning the carnal thing, you'll soon fall into that temptation. 
(Philippians 4)
Psalm 1:1-3 (NLT)
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers. (Psalm 1:1-3 NIV)
Dry seasons never have to happen. There are different seasons, but being dry won't happen when your roots are deep within the riverbank, soaking up the water from the river. 
Read the bible till you can take it with you, not memorizing, let it be life changing. (Pearl in an oyster, the grain of sand is turned over and over in the clam, and over time it becomes a pearl). 
Isaiah 55:1-2
Sudoku: why labour for what does not satisfy?
Ignorance. Knowledge. Wisdom. Understanding.
Movie clip: Inception... In the safe deep down inside you, God wants to plant a truth that will totally change your reality.