January 27, 2012

Follow Jesus

And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. - Colossians 2:6

• Maybe some of us are stuck tonight - having forgotten how to Follow Jesus

• Follow means to go, or to come after, to go behind in the same direction, to imitate, to copy..

• Christian = little Christ, or Christ follower

• We need to mature in our faith, if we're always looking behind us we'll never [be able to] move forward...

• Fix your eyes on Jesus (He goes before us, He is leading the way) we need to spend more time with Jesus - get our focus on Him

• Matthew 4:18-22
Jesus literally invites us to follow Him!

• Society labels us based on what we do. While Jesus sees us the way we are - He wants our identity to be found in Him.

• Don't settle for the routine - Following Christ will never be a routine, it's an adventure!

• Be willing to let go of whatever you're holding on to. Drop your net and follow Jesus.

• First, you got to get out of your boat to follow Jesus. The cause Jesus is calling you is, guaranteed, greater than what you are currently doing.

• "Show me your friends and I'll show you your future"

•• You have to follow Jesus for yourself, but you can't follow Him by yourself.
The choice is personal; but the walk is relational.

•• Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
The disciples didn't hesitate...

• God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called!

Part 2
Colossians 2:6

"First Steps"
• You can't stand still and follow somebody
• We need to do work in order for anything to get anywhere, like in our relationship with God we have to work towards being more like Him - to move in His direction
• Matthew 3:13-17
• "Follow me" is one of the first commands
• Acts 2:38
• The above verse implies that baptism comes with repent. Baptism is a personal choice to choose to obey God...
• Stop praying for things that God's already told you to do.
• Romans 6:3-4
• Greek word for "baptize" means "to put under"
• When we get baptized we die to those old things, the sin-things, and resurrect into God-things
• Is it possible the reason you're stuck in your relationship with God is because you haven't taken your first step?
• I need to die to those old things, surrender them to God, and never pick them up again because they're dead to me.
• Luke 3:3
• Acts 2:41 Q: Are you part of The Church?
• Matthew 28:19
• We can change the world, the place to start is to #FollowJesus
• It's all about loving people